American Medical Association Accelerating Change in Medical Education Coaching Handbook

Editors: Nicole M. Deiorio, MD & Maya M. Hammoud, MD, MBA

Preface Extract:

Coaching is emerging as an intriguing framework to provide professional development and assistance to learners in medical education. While long used in the business world, and more recently in physician circles, coaching is relatively new to the medical trainee world. Literature is still emerging regarding the best coaching practices that will lead to the best outcomes for our learners. To fill this gap, we offer this handbook. It is not designed to be an exhaustive literature
review or conceptual treatise; rather, this handbook offers a practical framework for educators and administrators who are forming and optimizing coaching programs in their own schools.

Each chapter covers an operational aspect of coaching. References provide future reading. Case vignettes are interspersed in each chapter, and explicit take home points are highlighted. While evidence is cited when available, this handbook also relies on consensus and best practices from the many coaching programs represented in the American Medical Association
Accelerating Change in Medical Education Consortium.

This handbook focuses most heavily on undergraduate medical education, though many of the principles discussed span the entire continuum of learners, through graduate medical education (GME) as well as continuing medical education. Specific coaching for faculty and physicians is beyond the scope of this handbook, but a chapter at the end of the book offers distinct advice on coaching GME trainees. GME educators and educators in many health professions will likely
also find relevant information throughout the entire handbook.

The material compiled in this publication was created by independent authors and institutions, not the AMA.

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